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Contributions of Citizen Science to the SDGs
17/03/2022 - 30/04/2022

Llamado a presentar trabajos para edición especial de Citizen Science: Theory and Practice que tratará de las «Contribuciones de la ciencia ciudadana a los ODS» y se publicará en la primavera de 2023.
This Special Collection aims to bring together papers that offer insights into the contributions of citizen science to the monitoring, implementation, and achievement of the SDGs as well as other international agreements and frameworks. Research has already been conducted in this field, but we are particularly interested in contributions critically analyzing the monitoring and implementation processes of such frameworks through the lens of citizen science data and impact. We would also welcome papers on aspects such as ethical considerations, how citizen science can play a role in the post-2030 agenda, and how citizen science can be used to translate science into community understanding, policy, and action for achieving the SDGs and international development goals, among other relevant topics.