Cuando al séptimo día de haber asumido el cargo, el flamante Presidente de Chile firmaba el tratado regional sobre derechos ambientales en América Latina y el Caribe daba cumplimiento literal a una promesa electoral. «Firmaremos el Acuerdo de Escazú sobre participación, Derechos Humanos y justicia ambiental durante la primera semanaSeguir leyendo

Call Reshaping Democracy, Horizon Europe. Projects should contribute to both of the following expected outcomes: Comprehensive evidence on the mid- to long-term impacts of current political and social developments on European representative democracies. Develop policy recommendations, toolkits, narratives and methodologies for enhancing trust in political institutions, and boosting transparency, representativeness,Seguir leyendo

Call Reshaping Democracy, Horizon Europe. Projects should contribute to all of the following expected outcomes: Comprehensive evidence base to explain the long-term impact of various inequalities (socio-economic, gender, disability, spatial, ethnic, etc.) on political participation, democratic quality and stability. Development, validation and piloting of strategies, policies and action plans forSeguir leyendo

Call Reshaping Democracy, Horizon Europe. Projects should contribute to all of the following expected outcomes: Demonstrate how citizens and policymakers can contribute to a healthy and reinvigorated democracy through media. Improved quality, accountability and transparency of media production and distribution processes, and contribution to a more resilient democratic institutional framework.Seguir leyendo

Call Reshaping Democracy, Horizon Europe. Projects should contribute to the both of following expected outcomes: Support the European Union’s role in leading the transformation and defence of multilateralism by identifying and analysing policy avenues for a more robust, democratic and effective global governance. Develop policy recommendations, institutional frames, toolboxes, narrativesSeguir leyendo

Call Reshaping Democracies, Horizon Europe. Projects should contribute to all of the following expected outcomes: Build robust evidence base for redesigning curricula in support of democracy, with an emphasis on students’ active participation and engagement in this process. Toolkits for enhancing the humanistic and civic aspects of education with aSeguir leyendo

Call Reshaping Democracies, Horizon Europe. Projects should contribute to the both of following expected outcomes: Support the European Union’s role in leading the transformation and defence of multilateralism by identifying and analysing policy avenues for a more robust, democratic and effective global governance. Develop policy recommendations, institutional frames, toolboxes, narrativesSeguir leyendo

La propuesta que llevó a la Presidencia a Gabriel Boric -emanada, por cierto, de un proceso participativo– incluía políticas tan concretas como el aumento de los fondos para investigación y desarrollo hasta alcanzar el 1% del PIB, la garantía de internet como derecho básico, la creación de un Banco NacionalSeguir leyendo