The month of May marks European Diversity Month across the EU. We’re calling on companies and organisations across Europe to join forces with us, the European Commission, to shine a spotlight on the importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace and in society by organising events and activities throughoutSeguir leyendo

Call Reshaping Democracy, Horizon Europe. Projects should contribute to at least two of the following expected outcomes: Protect fundamental rights and European values from possible threats stemming from unregulated use of artificial intelligence (AI) and big data applications. Explore the potential of AI and big data to reinforce fundamental rightsSeguir leyendo

Call Reshaping Democracies, Horizon Europe. Projects should contribute to all of the following expected outcomes: Build robust evidence base for redesigning curricula in support of democracy, with an emphasis on students’ active participation and engagement in this process. Toolkits for enhancing the humanistic and civic aspects of education with aSeguir leyendo

El viernes 18, justo a la semana de haber asumido el cargo, el Presidente Gabriel Boric firmaba el Acuerdo de Escazú, dando de esta manera cumplimiento a una promesa de campaña. La ratificación del tratado regional dependerá ahora de la tramitación en el Congreso, pero el mandatario ha querido evidenciarSeguir leyendo